hourly industries

Recruit your team like a chef

Find your team members, waiters and seasonal workers in record time with the fastest solution for your sector.

Serveuse sert une boisson à une cliente
  • disney

WHY use social media ? Reach a large audience of potential candidates where they spend their free time: social media

Seiza creates and runs your recruiting campaigns on Facebook, TikTok & Instagram to give you access to the largest audience of passive and active job seekers

  • Appears directly in the news feed for more impact and visibility

  • Access an audience 5x larger than job boards

  • Create a barrier-free application process by providing candidates with a 3-click and no-resume application

Sourcing Ab testSourcing Ab test

Automation features Automate Text & Messages, Interview Scheduling and Scoring

Most of the time, your audience is already at work. The Seiza Platform offers you automation features to hold asynchronous discussions, accelerate your recruiting process and saves time daily.

  • Text & Messages: Send text messages to your candidates, tailored to their stage in the recruiting process, in just one click 

  • Scoring: Score your candidates with custom criteria and identify the best candidates immediately

  • Interview scheduling: Automate interview scheduling by sending candidates a link to book a slot on their own, even in the evenings and on weekends, and automate reminders to lower no-shows

Accelerate your hiring